MISSION: Southwest Research and Information Center is a multi-cultural organization working to promote the health of people and communities, protect natural resources, ensure citizen participation, and secure environmental and social justice now and for future generations
Congress and Nuclear Waste PolicyOn June 7, 2019, the Subcommittee on Environment of the House Oversight and Reform Committee held a field hearing on "Examining America's Nuclear Waste Management, Storage, and the Need for Solutions." SRIC's Don Hancock was invited to testify. He gave a prepared opening statement and submitted written testimony for the record. The written testimony of the witnesses and video of the hearing is at: https://oversight.house.gov/legislation/hearings/examining-americas-nuclear-waste-management-storage-and-the-need-for-0 |
On April 17, 2019, the North Dakota Legislature passed SB 2037, which was signed by the governor on April 23, 2019. The new law includes a new prohibition regarding high-level radioactive waste:
"38-23-01. General prohibition.
The placement, storage, exploration, testing, or disposal of high-level radioactive waste within the exterior boundaries of North Dakota is prohibited."
Another provision of the new law was the establishment of a High-Level Radioactive Waste Advisory Council, composed of seven state agency officials, four state legislators, and representatives of county and city governments, and the agricultural community. https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/66-2019/committees/joint/high-level-radioactive-waste-advisory-council
The Council’s first meeting was held on November 4, 2019. SRIC’s Don Hancock was invited to provide background information related to nuclear waste issues.
"CONSENT" for Nuclear Waste SitesDOE is re-starting the "consent" process that it had paused.
In 2016, DOE held ten meetings around the country to discuss what communities need to
Canada's Deep Geologic Repository 2013-2014Ontario Power Generation Company has applied for a license from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for Low and Intermediate Level Waste disposal from its nuclear power plants Deep Geologic Repository (DGR). In 2013 Northwatch, a Canadian public interest organization, requested that SRIC be part of its team of consultants in the environmental review and licensing process. Southwest Research and Information Center prepared a report for Northwatch WIPP and International Experience with Deep Geologic Repositories, (August 2013), on Canada's Proposed Deep Geologic Repository on the shores of Lake Huron. There was a public hearing from September 16 to October 12, 2013. Northwatch's complete written submission of the hearing is at: The Deep Geologic Repository Joint Review Panel Hearing began on September 17, 2013. Details about the hearing schedule could be found on: http://www.ceaa.gc.ca/050/documents/p17520/94174E.pdf SRIC's Don Hancock testified on Monday, September 23, 2013 during the afternoon session - 2 to 5 pm (Eastern Time); Noon to 3 pm Mountain Time. Read SRIC's presentation on behalf of Northwatch. It is to be given at the Public Hearing in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada on the proposed Deep Geologic Repository. All of the hearings were webcast live starting September 17, 2013, lasting 25 days. Transcripts and other documents from the hearing can be found at here. On June 3, 2014 a notice posted regarding an additional Deep Geologic Repository Joint Review Panel Hearing, set to resume on September 9, 2014. Among the issues about which the Panel requested additional information is what impacts, if any, the WIPP events in February 2014 have on the safety analysis for the DGR. Northwatch has again asked SRIC's Don Hancock to provide information for that hearing. The report is "Recent Events at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) and Initial Questions and Lessons for the Ontario Power Generation Proposed Deep Geologic Repository." Northwatch's complete submission for this hearing is at: http://www.ceaa.gc.ca/050/documents/p17520/99600E.pdf
An article about the hearing appeared in the Toronto Star: "OPG works to calm concerns over nuclear waste dump" The hearings were held from September 9 - 18 in Kincardine, Ontario. The hearing transcripts and webcasts are at: http://www.nuclearsafety.gc.ca/eng/the-commission/joint_review_panel/deep-geologic-repository/index.cfm |
SRIC questions to NRC regarding redaction of DEIS on LES uranium enrichment plant (12/29/2004)
SRIC's comments to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission re: LES Environmental Impact Statement (3/18/2004)
DOE Says YES to Yucca Mountain Nevada Says NO to Yucca Mountain (1/18/02)
The Ambushed Grand Jury is the true story of four Citizen Investigators who uncover the Justice Department’s cover-up of deadly radioactive contamination at Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant.
Deceived by the Justice Department’s cover-up, relying on false assurances that Rocky Flats wasn’t as contaminated as everyone had thought, public officials now plan to open the former nuclear weapons plant to recreation. Children will play in these radioactive fields ... unless the Citizens’ Investigation – with the reader's help - can stop these dangerous plans. All authors' profits will be donated to environmental and nuclear activist groups around the country to help them carry on their important work. You will be asked during checkout to pick the organization of your choice. Read more.
Updates of our Nuclear Waste Program activities can be found in the Nuclear Waste Issue and the Nuclear West Issue of Voices from the Earth
Additional information can be found in The Workbook (discontinued):
For further information contact us at sricdon@earthlink.net or call (505) 262-1862, fax: (505) 262-1864.
Evaluation Group
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Voices from the Earth
Nuclear Waste Issue
Nuclear West Issue
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SRIC is part of the Stop Forever WIPP Coalition.
The nuclear waste dump is permitted to operate until 2024, but the federal government want to expand the amount and types of waste allowed with NO end date.
We need your help to protect New Mexico!
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