MISSION: Southwest Research and Information Center is a multi-cultural organization working to promote the health of people and communities, protect natural resources, ensure citizen participation, and secure environmental and social justice now and for future generations


~ Celebrating 54 Years ~
Promoting the Health of People and Communities


KUNM Let's Talk New Mexico call in show:
Let's talk nuclear waste production and storage

Southwest Research and Information Center (SRIC) was founded in 1971 for the purpose of providing information to the public on the effects of energy development and resource exploitation on the people and their cultures, lands, water, and air of New Mexico and the Southwest.

SRIC's purpose, including the focus on issues affecting the Southwest, has remained essentially unchanged, although it now has a successful record in affecting issues of national and even international importance, such as nuclear waste management and uranium mining reclamation. SRIC also has helped empower dozens of local community groups so that they effectively participate in government and corporate decisions that affect them.

SRIC's success over the years has been achieved by developing a link with communities based on trust, offering both expertise and great sensitivity for their need for empowerment.

Throughout its history, SRIC has strived to play a unique role among nonprofit, public-interest organizations active in New Mexico and the Southwest. That role has stressed providing accurate information and analysis that people and community groups can use to influence decisions that directly affect them. SRIC's community-sensitive technical assistance services are the reason that individuals and groups continue to seek out the Center's staff on a wide range of environmental and resource development issues. SRIC networks with dozens of groups throughout the nation on various issues, and staff are widely recognized as policy experts on nuclear wastes, oil and gas, and mining.

The primary issues that SRIC works on are multi-generational, multi-faceted problems. The five professional staff collectively have more than 100 years experience with the organization, reflecting their long-term commitment to the issues and to the affected communities.

PROGRAMS: SRIC's work can be described in two ways: First, we provide various services -- technical assistance, networking, public information, policy analysis, environmental analysis, and skills development. Second, we integrate those services into our five active, ongoing programs:

  1. Uranium Impact Assessment Program
  2. Energy & Natural Resources
  3. Environmental Information and Education
  4. Nuclear Waste Program

Who We Are.

2024 Church Rock Commemoration
Church Rock Commemoration
July 13, 2024
Red Water Pond Road Community, New Mexico

VIDEO: The Toxic Legacy of the Navajo Nation
ABC News (11/20/2023)

Remembering the Church Rock Uranium Mill Tailings Spill of July 16, 1979

WIPP Radiation Leak
Status Update (09/15/17)

SRIC mourns the loss of Tom Campbell (1939-2024), founder of
" His legacy is an extraordinary life filled with incredible work for a better world."

Tom was a strong supporter of our work for many decades. He will be greatly missed.
A Tribute to Tom can be found on The Guacamole Fund site.

Community Partners
and Resources

All donations are tax-deductible
Donate Now Through Network for Good
Thank you.

SRIC is part of the Stop Forever WIPP Coalition.
The nuclear waste dump is permitted to operate until 2024, but the federal government want to expand the amount and types of waste allowed with NO end date.
We need your help to protect New Mexico!

Donate through Smith's Rewards Program

Southwest Research and Information Center
105 Stanford SE
PO Box 4524
Albuquerque, NM 87196

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Southwest Research and
Information Center