Uranium Health Studies:
General Population Studies (cont'd)

  • Subclinical kidney damage in Canadians who drank well water having relatively low levels of uranium:
    • uranium impairs kidney functions (subclinical) at levels at or below proposed USEPA drinking water standard of 0.020 mg/L — Mao, et al., 1995; Limson-Zamora et al., 1998, 2000 (in press); EPA, 2000
    • effects observed in lab animals fed uranium-laden drinking water — Gilman, et al., 1998a, b and c
  • Chromosomal aberrations detected in people who live in uranium mining areas of south Texas:
    • genotoxic effects greater in residents of uranium-producing areas than residents of non-uranium areas — Au et al., 1995

For further information contact Uranium@sric.org

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