MISSION: Southwest Research and Information Center is a multi-cultural organization working to promote the health of people and communities, protect natural resources, ensure citizen participation, and secure environmental and social justice now and for future generations

Uranium-Related Documents on File
Listed chronologically from newest to oldest
1952 – 2024

Updated: June 28, 2024

If you would like copies of any of the documents below, please e-mail or write us for costs (specify the documents you're requesting).

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105 Stanford SE
PO Box 4524
Albuquerque, NM 87196
fax: 505/262-1864

Overview of Public Health Concerns About Abandoned Uranium Mines: From Miners to Community Members Living Near Waste Sites, Chris Shuey, Southwest Research and Information Center, Community Engagement Core Lead, UNM Metals Superfund Research Center. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting October 29, 2024.

Navajo AUM Quivira Comments. Letter to US EPA on behalf of the Red Water Pond Road Community Association’s and Eastern NavajoDiné Against Uranium Mining’s (collectively "Community"), on the Final Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis for the Quivira Mine Complex (“EE/CA”) in the Coyote Canyon, Pinedale and Standing Rock Chapters of the Navajo Nation. Represented by the New Mexico Environmental Law Center. May 22, 2024.

Current Issues in Uranium Remediation Policy on the Navajo Nation, presented by the University of New Mexico METALS Superfund Research Center; Chris Shuey and Sarah Henio-Adeky, Southwest Research and Information Center; and Navajo Uranium Leadership Team, Navajo Technical University, Churchrock, NM. May 20, 2024.

WHY WE SUPPORT MOVING THE THE QUIVIRA (KERR-MCGEE) CHURCHROCK URANIUM MINE WASTE TO THE RED ROCK LANDFILL. Red Water Pond Road Community Association and Pipeline Road Community. December 14, 2023, revised May 13, 2024.

Uranium Waste Spills — Acute and Chronic Effects Over 80 Years" Session 3: Disaster Response Research, C. Shuey, SRIC, UNM METALS. NIEHS Superfund Research Program Annual Grantees Meeting, December 4, 2023; Revised April 18, 2024 for NAU SUS 220 (Dr. Tommy Rock)

Environmental Health Studies Can Inform Uranium Mine Remediation on the Navajo Nation, Navajo Nation Human Research Review Board Biennial Conference — C. Shuey, MPH; E. Erdei, Ph.D., MPH; D. Molony, MD; October 19, 2023 (Revised February 2024).

Comments submitted on three Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analyses (EE/CAs) for remediation of seven abandoned uranium mines located in Mariano Lake and Smith Lake chapters of the Navajo Nation. Letter to US EPA on behalf of Southwest Research and Information Center (SRIC), the Red Water Pond Road Community Association (RWPRCA) and the Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment (MASE). January 22, 2024.


What Does Restorative Justice Mean for an Indigenous Community Living near Abandoned Uranium Mines in the US Southwest? Thomas De Pree, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center; Terry Keyanna, Red Water Pond Road Community Association; Kirena Tsosie, Southwest Research and Information Center. Presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science 4S 2023 Honolulu Sea · Sky · Land · Endangered Ecology · Solidarities Conference, November 9, 2023.

Metal mixture exposures and multiplexed autoantibody screening in Navajo communities exposed to uranium mine wastes. Erdei E, Shuey C, Miller C, Hoover J, Cajero M, Lewis J. Journal of Translational Autoimmunity. 2023 Jan 1;6:100201.

Serum autoantibodies and exploratory molecular pathways in rural miners: A pilot study. Erdei E, Zhou X, Shuey C, Ass' ad N, Page K, Gore B, Zhu C, Kanda D, Luo L, Sood A, Zychowski KE. Journal of Translational Autoimmunity. 2023 Mar 9:100197.

Environmental Health Research and Remediation Policy on Uranium Mining Impacts Informed by Indigenous Knowledge and Science. NIEHS Annual Meeting, Poster Presentation: Four indigenous communities partnering with the UNM METALS SRP have used their traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) to take part in studies assessing (a) impacts of past mining on agricultural lands, (b) characterization of the toxicity of mine wastes, (c) public health interventions to protect immune system health, and (d) the need for community members to participate in development of AUM remediation practices and policies. Southwest Research and Information Center, Blue Gap-Tachee Chapter, Cameron Farm Enterprise, Indigenous Education Institute, Pueblo of Laguna, Red Water Pond Road Community Association, University of New Mexico-CEH. December 2022.

Gardening: Connecting Mother Earth to Human Health and Wellness, UNM METALS SRP Report-back to Village of Old Laguna on Soil, Plant and Water Testing, Pueblo of Laguna. Derek Capitan, Kyle Swimmer, Chris Shuey, Adrian Brearley. October 6, 2022.

Groundwater Quality Along the Puerco River in the Sanders, Arizona Area: A Draft Porposal for a Community-Research Partnership to Assess Possible Impacts of Past Uranium Mine Water Discharges, Presentation to Nahata'Dziil Commission Governance and Residents of the Sanders-New Lands Community. E. Dixon, C. Shuey, T. Rock, K. Tsosie. SRIC. August 3, 2022.

Recent Events in Partner Communities – Assessment & Policy, UNM METALS SRP Update (Metal Exposure and Toxicity Assessment on Tribal Lands in the Southwest). Red Water Pond Road Community Association Annual Commemoration of 1979 Church Rock Uranium Mill Tailings Spill, July 16, 2022; and Pueblo of Laguna – Jackpile U Mine NPL, Community report-back, June 30, 2022. NIEHS Monthly RT/CEC Webinar, Chris Shuey, MPH, Community Engagement Core Lead and Carolyn Roman, Ph.D., Science Manager. July 21, 2022

Overview of Community-partnered Research to Assess Health Effects of Environmental Exposures to Uranium in Tribal Communities, New Mexico Public Health Association Annual Meeting. C. Shuey, J. Cerrato, E. El Hayek, E. Erdei, D. MacKenzie, S. Henio-Adeky. May 19-20, 2022.

Diné Language Translation & Glossary of Thinking Zinc Study Terminologies, UNM Health Sciences Center Research Day symposium. Sarah Henio-Adeky, David Begay, Natanya Kaye, Larry J. King, Edith Hood, Sandy Ramone, Chris Shuey. April 22, 2022.

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Navajo Nation Water Resources in the San Juan River Basin, NM: Utilizing Traditional Navajo Ecological Knowledge, UNM Health Sciences Center Research Day symposium. Kirena Y. Tsosie. April 22, 2022.

Summary of Research Findings Supporting RECA Reform Legislation (H.R. 5338 and S. 2798), Letter to U.S. House Judiciary Committee from Chris Shuey,Director, Uranium Impact Assessment Program, Southwest Research and Information Center. 12/06/2021.

Markup of H.R. 5338 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendments of 2021, supporting documents. 12/08/2021.

Remembering the Church Rock Uranium Mill Tailings Spill of July 16, 1979, Kirena Tsosie and Chris Shuey, Southwest Research and Information Center. 7/15/21.

Disruption of Life Cycles in Blue Gap-Tachee Community, Navajo Nation, Johnny Naize, Aaron Yazzie, Wallace Kee, Latasha James — Blue Gap-Tachee Chapter, Navajo Nation, Arizona; Southwest Research and Information Center, 10th Conference on Metals Toxicity and Carcinogenesis and Center for Native Environmental Health Equity Research 2018 Annual Meeting Poster Presentation 10/29/18.

Living with Uranium Wastes for 50 Years and Four Generations — A Navajo Community’s Perspective, Peterson Bell, Bertha Nez, Edith Hood with Teracita Keyanna, Jacquelyn Bell-Jefferson, Grace Henio and Anna Benally — Red Water Pond Road Community Association, Coyote Canyon Chapter, Navajo Nation. 10th Conference on Metals Toxicity and Carcinogenesis and Center for Native Environmental Health Equity Research 2018 Annual Meeting Poster Presentation 10/29/18.

A Family’s Uranium Exposures in Waterfall Canyon, Navajo Nation, Northeastern Arizona, Josephine Redhouse, Evelyn Etsitty, Frances John, Latasha James — Blue Gap-Tachee Chapter, Navajo Nation; Southwest Research and Information Center. 10th Conference on Metals Toxicity and Carcinogenesis and Center for Native Environmental Health Equity Research 2018 Annual Meeting Poster Presentation 10/29/18.

Once Upon Two Mines: A Diné Community Perspective The History of the Red Water Pond Road Community Association and its Experience with Uranium Wastes, Presentation to Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice, by Edith Hood and Bertha Nez, Red Water Pond Road Community Association, with Chris Shuey, Southwest Research and Information Center (12/01/2016)

Native Environmental Health (EH) Equity Research Newsletter, Issue 1, Fall 2016. The Center for Environmental Health Equity is a tribal, academic, nongovernmental partnership that addresses long-standing inequities in environmental health.

Elevated Arsenic and Uranium Concentrations in Unregulated Water Sources on the Navajo Nation, USA, Hoover, J., Gonzales, M., Shuey, C. et al., Exposure & Health (2016). (Citation: Hoover, J., Gonzales, M., Shuey, C. et al. Expo Health (2016). doi:10.1007/s12403-016-0226-6; http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12403-016-0226-6)

Animas River Environmental Contamination from the Durango Mill Site — Over 100 years of River Pollution. Presenter: Norman R. Norvelle, WRRI Conference, San Juan College, May 17 & 18, 2016

"Statement in the Matter of Rio Grande Resources Corporation’s Application to Change the Status of its Existing Mine Permit from Standby Status to Active Status; Permit Revision 13-2 (Permit CI002RE)," Before the State of New Mexico Mining and Milling Division, Submitted at Public Hearing in Grants, New Mexico, December 4, 2015 — Written Testimony and Exhibit 2: Slide Presentation

Report-back to Blue Gap-Tachee Chapter on soil and water testing by UNM-SRIC METALS Group, 2015 J. Cerrato, PhD, UNM Civil Engr.; C. Shuey, MPH, SRIC; T. Shirley; P. Robinson, SRIC; S. Nez; P. Burns, PhD, U of Notre Dame. November 6, 2015; revised December 2015 .

Uranium Legacy in Laguna: Waters, Soils, and Plants. Johanna Blake, Jose Cerrato. October 9, 2015.

The Impact of Uranium Mining and Cleanup Activities in the Grants Mineral Belt: Seven Key Points A Presentation to the New Mexico Legislature Indian Affairs Committee Meeting, Red Valley Chapter House, Navajo Nation by Paul Robinson, SRIC (10/1/2015)

Overview of Impact of Uranium Mining and On-Going Cleanup in the Grants Mineral Belt. Fernando Martinez. New Mexico Legislature Indian Affairs Committee. October 1, 2015.

Health Concerns of Chronic Ingestion of Uranium in Drinking Water For Tó Łani Enterprises Puerco-LCR Water Quality Project / Nahata Dziil Commission Governance, by Chris Shuey, MPH, Southwest Research and Information Center, July 24, 2015.

Best Practices for Uranium Mines and Mills: Where are they needed? Compiled for World Uranium Symposium, April 14 – 16, 2015, Quebec City, Canada. Presented by Paul Robinson, Research Director.

Uranium Issues in the Western US: Legacy, Current Production, Health Research and Resource Estimates, Compiled for World Uranium Symposium, April 14 – 16, 2015, Quebec City, Canada. Presented by Paul Robinson, Research Director.

"Uranium in Soil, Mine Waste and Spring Water near Abandoned Uranium Mines, Tachee/Blue Gap and Black Mesa Chapters, Navajo Nation, Arizona," Contributors: Chris Shuey and Wm. Paul Robinson; Principal authors: Sadie Bill, Adrian Brearley, Jose Manuel Cerrato, and Abdul-Mehdi Ali. March 31, 2014.

Uranium mines: lung disease and mistrust among Native Americans, Bryant Furlow, The Lancet, Respiratory, Published online February 19, 2014.

Once Upon a Mine — The Legacy of Uranium on the Navajo Nation. Carrie Arnold, Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol 122, No. 2, February 2014.

"Biological Effects of Drinking Unregulated Water," by Chris Shuey, MPH, co-I and Curtis Miller, PhD, to the Navajo Nation Human Research Review Board, Navajo Research Conference, October 24, 2013

A Tour of Abandoned Uranium Mines in Navajo Country and Beyond. Compiled by SRIC (October 2013).

Strathmore Minerals neglects to disclose it's long-term delay of its Gas Hills, Wyoming uranium mine project during public hearings in Wyoming. Uranium News Analysis Compiled by Paul Robinson, SRIC (Sept. 12, 2013).

Report Raises Questions About Virginia Uranium's Abilities. The Roanoke River Basin Association (RRBA) announces the release of the completed "Review of Records of Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Uranium Exploration Permit 90484EX Issued to Virginia Uranium, Inc." This report was performed by Paul Robinson, Research Director, Southwest Research and Information Center, Albuquerque, NM, at the request of RRBA. (July 22, 2013)

Newsletter of the Bluewater Valley Downstream Alliance, (BVDA). This newsletter has been preparted as part of the Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) Program. The third edition includes: Summary of finding in EPA Reg. 6 "Initial Draft Human Health Risk Assessment for the Homestake Mining Co. Superfund Site;" and Summary of 2012 and 2013 DOE inspection reports for the former Anaconda Bluewater uranium mill tailings disposal site. May 2013.

Foreign infiltration of U.S. uranium industry? Foreign ownership of uranium mining companies that are currently seeking mining permits in the U.S. (April 10, 2013)

Insight New Mexico interviews Paul Robinson. Insight New Mexico's V.B. Price interviews SRIC's Paul Robinson regarding the legacy of uranium mining in New Mexico.

"Water Resources and Water Quality," presented by Chris Shuey before the Water and Environmental Health Training, Navajo Division of Health CHR Outreach Program, revised March 6, 2013.

Water Quality and Uranium Mining, SRIC's Paul Robinson video presentation on behalf of Virginia Conservation Network, 2013

New Mexico Uranium Activity.This list identifies inactive or abandoned uranium legacy sites and current uranium development activities in New Mexico. February 26, 2013.

Bluewater Valley News, Bluewater Valley Downstream Alliance (BVDA). The BVDA News has been preparted as part of the Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) Program. The second edition includes: Summary of EPA "Third Five-Year Review of the Homestake Mining Superfund site;" Summary of regulatory agency responses to 2011 NRC Office of Insp. General Report; and Summary of 2011 DOW inspection report for Anaconda Bluewater uranium mill tailings disposal site. February 2012.

Bluewater Valley News, Bluewater Valley Downstream Alliance (BVDA). The BVDA News has been preparted as part of the Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) Program. The first edition included an introdution to BVDA, status of the Risk Assessment Study, summary of proposed future activities related to the EPA Homestake Remedial System Evaluation (RSE), and the proposed schedule for remediation. January 2011.

Observations and recommendations Regarding the June 18, 2010 Addenda to the Draft Focused Review of Specific Remediation Issues for the Homestake Mining Company (Grants) Superfund site, February 2010. Technical Assistance Service for Communities. Prepared by Wm. Paul Robinson and Chris Shuey Southwest Research and Information Center. July 16, 2010

Northeast Church Rock Mine Interim Removal Action. Prepared by: MWH, United Nuclear Corporation, GE Corporate Environmental Program. June 29, 2010

Observations and Recommendation Regarding the Draft Focused Review of Specific Remediation Issues for the Homestake Mining Company (Grants) Superfund Site, February 2010-Ground water Considerations. Technical Assistance Services for Communities. Prepared by Wm. Paul Robinson and Chris Shuey Southwest Research and Information Center. May 6, 2010

Comments on Air Monitoring and Radon Issues Raised in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Draft Remediation System Evaluation (Supplement) for the Homestake Mining Company (Grants) Superfund Site, New Mexico. Technical Assistance Services for Communities. May 06, 2010

Memorandum; Additional Background Information and Discussion Questions in Preparation for Hearing on Homestake DP-725. To: Bluewater Valley Downstream Alliance by Chris Shuey and Paul Robinson, SRIC. December 6, 2009.

Memorandum: Additional Background Information and Discussion Questions in Preparation for Hearing on Homestake DP-725. To: Bluewater Valley Downstream Alliance by Chris Shuey and Paul Robinson, SRIC. December 6, 2009.

Summary and Review of Applications for Modifications and Renewal of NMED Discharge Permit DP-725, Effluent Disposal Facilities for the ground water Remediation System at the Homestake Mining Company, Grants Reclamation Project, Milan, N.M. Technical Assistance Services for the Communities. November 18, 2009

Uranium In-Situ Leach Mining Overview Presented at the Western Mining Action Network Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota, by Paul Robinson, Southwest Research and Information Center, October 2, 2009.

Honor the earth uranium mining story, from Faye Brown. To Chris Shuey. January 01, 2008.

Summary of Recent Environmental Monitoring Data in the Church Rock Uranium Mining District, Navajo Nation (McKinley County, New Mexico). Letter from C. Shuey to A. Kellermann, MD, MPH, Health Policy Fellow, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives, October 22, 2007.

REPORT OF THE CHURCH ROCK URANIUM MONITORING PROJECT: 2003-2007, Sponsored by Church Rock Chapter, Navajo Nation, In Collaboration with Southwest Research and Information Center and the Navajo Education and Scholarship Foundation. Supported by grants from Citizens' Monitoring & Technical Assessment Fund, Washington, DC. May 2007

"From Salzburg to Window Rock" Indigenous World Uranium Summit and Nuclear Free Future Award Nov. 30 — Dec. 2, 2006.
Invitation by the President of the Navajo Nation — September 23, 2006
Invitation by the Speaker of the Navajo Nation Council — October 3, 2006
IWUS Declaration — December 2, 2006
Read Voices from the Summit at:
 Voices from the Earth, Spring 2007 issue and Voices from the Earth, Summer 2007 issue

Navajo Nation President Joe Shirley Jr. Signs Dine Natural Resources Protection Act Of 2005. Navajo Nation. April 30, 2005

Introduction To Uranium Toxicity. Chris Shuey, Frank Morgan. December 12, 2004.

Voices from the Earth, Winter 2004:
Church Rock Chapter Decries NRC Judge's Ruling; and
Uranium Price Rise...Still No Need for New Mines

Voices from the Earth, Fall 2004:
Reclaiming the Land: History of Uranium Mill Tailings Clean-up; and
Mitchell Capitan & Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining Take Their Message to the International Stage

Church Rock Uranium Monitoring Project — Project Results, 2003-2004, PowerPoint presentation - 6.2M file (VERY LARGE). Report to the Navajo Nation Council Resources Committee, Church Rock Chapter House, October 14, 2004. Highlighting Community Involvement, Uranium Mining Impacts, and Environmental Health Monitoring.

"Uranium Mill Tailings Remediation Performed by US DOE: An Overview," Paul Robinson, May 18, 2004. (Adobe .pdf file) Summarizes key public policy, environmental impact and cost aspects of the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Program (UMTRAP). It has been prepared in order to make information about the first Unites States Department of Energy (DOE) long-term nuclear legacy waste management program more available to the public and decision-makers concerned about radioactive waste management and clean-up.

Voices from the Earth, Spring 2004:
Moquino Community Gets Involved in Uranium Mill Tailings Decision;
Not in My Backyard...Not in Anyone's; and
Judge Rules: Mining Clean-up Plan "Deficient"

Southwest Research And Information Center's Uranium Workshop, 2004. SRIC. February 19, 2004.

Selected Literature On: The Navajo Uranium Mining Experience, 2003-1952. Chris Shuey. December 11, 2003.

An Overview Of The Public Health And Environmental Impacts Of Uranium Mining In Crown Point, NM. John Fogarty. December, 2003

Voices from the Earth, Fall 2003:
Training and Assessment of Uranium Impacts on Diné Communities

Church Rock Uranium Monitoring Project(Crump). Chris Shuey. November 3, 2003.

Cost Of Uranium Mining. Chris Shuey. October 11, 2003.

Kayenta Uranium Educational Outreach — Navajo Abandoned Uranium Mines Collaboration. May 11, 2003.

Recommendations For Uranium Health-Based Ground Water Standards. Barbara Malczewaska-Toth, Myers, Shuey, Lewis. May, 2003

Voices from the Earth, Spring 2003:
New Mexico Wastewatch - Changing How New Mexico Deals with Landfills

Principles Of In Situ Leach (ISL) Uranium Mining. Chris Shuey. February 7, 2003.

Voices from the Earth, Fall 2002:
Navajo President Opposes Uranium ISL Mining

Biomarkers Of Kidney Injury-Challenges For Uranium Exposure Studies. Chris Shuey. June 13, 2002.

Crownpoint Uranium Project-Update, March 21, 2002, Presentation to students and faculty of UA-NUA Cancer Disparities in Native Americans Project. Chris Shuey. March 21, 2002

Voices from the Earth, Winter 2001:
A Clash of Values: Navajos' Uncompromising Opposition to Uranium Mining; and
Domenici Drops Uranium Bailout

Status Report:  Crownpoint Uranium Project  The campaign of Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining (ENDAUM), Southwest Research and Information Center (SRIC), and the New Mexico Environmental Law Center (NMELC) to stop construction and operation of the Crownpoint Uranium Solution Mining Project (CUP). Prepared by Southwest Research and Information Center, July 25, 2001.

Letters, Position Statements, And Resolutions From Navajo Communities And Organizations Opposing Uranium Mining January 1995-October 2001. 1995-2001.

Discussion Points With Senator Jeff Bingaman. Navajo Delegation From Crownpoint And Church Rock N.M. November 6, 2001.

"Authorization of Appropriation for Demonstration Projects for In-Situ Leach Mining Technologies and Demonstration Projects with Domestic Uranium Producers" Letter to Honorable Jeff Bingaman from Kelsey A. Begaye, Taylor McKenzie. August 15, 2001.

Letter To W.J. Tauzin Regarding Amendments To The Energy Advancement And Conservation Act Of 2001. July 18, 2001.

Uranium Projects Considered For Area. GI, Larry Di Giovanni. July 18, 2001.

Voices from the Earth, Spring 2001:
ENDAUM Gains Ground

This is a trailer for the award-winning documentary film, "The Return of Navajo Boy." See its official website for more information: http://www.navajoboy.com

Eastern Navajo Uranium Assessment and Kidney Health Project, Presentation to Eastern Navajo Health Board. John D. Fogarty, Chris Shuey. December 5, 2000.

Abandoned Uranium Mines Project 1994-2000 Project Atlas. U.S. Environment Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. December 2000.

Voices from the Earth, Winter 2000:
Uranium in Drinking Water; and
SRIC Uranium Project Update

Organizing Against Uranium Mining, by Jaime Chavez, Resist Newsletter Volume 9 Number 8, October 2000.

Chronic Uranium Ingestion and Kidney Health in Navajo Communities: Rationale for an Integrated Bio Medical and Environmental Health Research and Surveillance Project, Presentation to Navajo Health Research Review Board, By John Fogarty and Chris Shuey, August 28, 2000.

Voices from the Earth, Fall 2000:
Uranium Mining on Eastern Navajo

Letter to Navajo Nation Officials regarding new environmental monitoring and health assessments in Eastern Agency chapters from the Eastern Navajo Dine Against Uranium Mining (ENDAUM). July 26, 2000.

Uranium Health and Environmental Research In Dine Communities, Chris Shuey SRIC, Presentation at 2000 Teacher Seminar at Dine College Uranium Education Program, July 11, 2000 (revised July 13, 2000).

"Information Packet From ENDAUM Presentation To Navajo Nation Council, Summer Session 2000", Letter to The hon. Edward T. Begay From Eastern Navajo Dine Against Uranium Mining, June 30, 2000.

Information Packet for Church Rock Chapter Meeting. Contents: ENDAUM Overview, Draft Resolution, Abandoned Uranium Sites, Aiborne Radon Levels, Environmental and Public Health Issues. By ENDAUM. Revised June 12, 2000.

A Desert of Tears, The Navajo Uranium Miner Oral History Project, By Doug Brugge and Timothy Benally, Summer 2000.

Navajo AML Reclamation / UMTRA Department Information Sheet. April 2000

Uranium Research and Education in Navajo Communities, Spring 2000 — slide presentation. Johnnye L. Lewis, Ph.D., DABT, Mallery Downs, R.N., Community Environmental Health Program, Center for Population Health, UNM; Teresa Coons, Ph.D., UNM Epidemiology and Cancer Control Program; and Chris Shuey, UNM MPH Candidate, SRIC.

Uranium Mining and Lung Cancer Among Navajo Men in New Mexico and Arizona, 1969 to 1993. Gilliland, et al. American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. March 2000.

The Toxicologist. By J.F. Rosen and P. Mushak, Oxford University Press, Inc. March 2000

Tribe Oks ‘pumping of Uranium. By Jim Manaci Gallup Independent. February 2, 2000.

January 2000, Jeff Spitz asked the EPA to investigate Elsie's home for uranium contamination. The readings were 80 times the allowable amount.

A year and a half after the initial investigation, the EPA finally removed Elsie's highly contaminated home. The uranium waste piles in her backyard have not removed and are not even fenced off from the public.

Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendments of 2000, One hundred sixth congress of the United States of America. January 24, 2000.

Letter to former Uranium Miners or their family members (if deceased) from National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) about health study. January 21, 2000.

Proposed Resources Committee Resolution on Uranium Solution Extraction Activities on the Navajo Nation, Section 164 Review Process from Legislative Branch. January 20, 2000.

Chronic Uranium Ingestion and Renal Injury in Navajos. By Chris Shuey to William E. Lambert. December 13, 1999.

Briefing Packet on Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Reform, by Cummins & Associates on behalf of the Navajo Nation Washington Office. For Members of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives. December 09, 1999.

Navajo Split on Uranium Plan. National Catholic Reporter, Arthur Jones. November 19, 1999

Uranium’s Trail of Tears, by Author Jones, National Catholic Reporter, and The Independent Newsweekly. November 19, 1999.

Nuclear Fuel. The McGraw-Hill Companies. September 20, 1999.

Compilation of Documents on Uranium Miners and Millers Health Concerns. Prepared by Paul Robinson, SRIC, on July 23, 1999.

URANIUM ISL GROUND-WATER DATA FROM WRITTEN TESTIMONY OF WILLIAM P. STAUB, PH.D., January 9, 1999, in support of ENDAUM-SRIC Presentation on Groundwater Issues in the Matter of Hydro Resources, Inc., USNRC ASLBP-95-706-01-ML, USNRC Docket No. 40-8968-ML, revised 4/16/99.

Navajo Uranium Worker Oral History & Photography Project: Uranium Radiation Victims still Waiting Fall 1998.

Uranium Firms, State Regulations Air worries Inn NRC Meetings. Complication of News Articles, Press statements, Resolutions, ETC (1998) . Nuclear Fuel- September 21, 1998

Judge to determine fate of uranium on Navajo Nation. Gallup Independent. By Malcom Brenner. September 18, 1998

Nuke judge tours Mining sites. Gallup Independent. September 17, 1998.

Judge to make important decision based on visit. Navajo Times Corresponded, September 17, 1998.

Crownpoint Airs Uranium Mine Concerns, Hopes. Safe water, Jobs Key Points in Fed Hearing. Albuquerque Journal. September 16, 1998.

Crownpoint, Navajo voices to be hear on purposed mining. Gallup Independent. August 12, 1998.

Judge agrees to hear public input on proposed uranium solution mines. Navajo Times. August 6, 1998.

Crown Point Uranium update: Judge’s ruling favors residents. The Workbook (SRIC), Summer 1998.

Atcitty Guilty. Gallup Independent. July 14, 1998.

More than Radon in the Uranium Dust. An overview of the Basis for Uranium Miners and Millers- other than Radon Decay Products- to be Included in US Radiation exposure Compensation Act Program. Prepared by: Wm. Paul Robinson Research director Southwest Research and Information Center. June 25, 1998.

Meeting Summary of: Uranium Issues Workshop. Sponsored by: Unites states Environmental Protection agency. Prepared by: Technical Legal Information Systems. June 23-24, 1998

Testimony Summary before the subcommittee on immigration and claims. By: Susan E. Dawson, PH.D and Gary E. Madsen, Ph.D. Department of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology. June 06, 1998

Navajo, Environments may block mine. Gallup Independent. June 1, 1998.

Federal Judge Temporarily halts uranium mine license. The Workbook_ Vol.23-No.1. Spring 1998

More than Radon in the Uranium Dust. An overview of the basis for uranium miners and millers Exposed to non-radioactive hazards and radioactive hazards other than radon Decay products to be included in US uranium worker Compensation programs. Prepared by: Paul Robinson Southwest Research Information Center. April 19, 1998.

National Environmental Justice Advisory Council. US Environmental Protection agency. To ; Carol Browner Administer, from: Haywood Turrentine. February 26, 1998.

Biological Effects of ionizing Radiation (BEIR) VI Report: "The Health Effects of Exposure to Indoor Radon". Released to EPA by Permission of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) February 19, 1998.

Eastern Navajo Dine Against uranium Mining. Endaum News- Water is life. February 1998.

Judge halts Uranium Proposal/ HRI will continue to push Uranium Mining. Navajo times January 29, 1998.

Eastern Navajo Dine against Uranium Mining_ Water is life Press release. NRC Administrative Judge Halts Uranium Mine License. January 23, 1998.

Navajo Uranium Mining History by Timothy H. Benally, SR. January 1998.

Before The ethics and rules Committee of The Navajo Nation Council. The Navajo Nation Office of the Special Prosecutor Complaint, vs Thomas Atcitty. Complaint No. C-98-0011. (1998)

Crownpoint Uranium solution Mining Project. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Susan G. Jordan. September 25, 1997.

Pueblo of Laguna Jackpile Uranium Mine Resource Book, Compiled by Wm. Paul Robinson, Research Director, SRIC September 19, 1997

Public Health Issues Concerning American Indian and Non-Indian Uranium Millworkers, S. E. Dawson, PhD, G. E. Madsen, PhD, and B. R. Spykerman, PhD; Journal of Health & Social Policy, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1997.

Why Navajos Resist New Uranium Mining, Chris Shuey, ENDAUM, The Workbook, Vol 22, No. 2, Summer 1997.

Eastern Navajo Dine Against Uranium Mining. Endaum Presentation to Navajo Nation Council on Proposed Uranium ISL Mining. June 17, 1997.

Crownpoint Healthcare Facility Safety Committee Position Statement Regarding the In-Situ-Leach Uranium Mine Proposed by Hydro-Resources, Inc. May 23, 1997.

Ethnic Differences in the Prevalence of Nonmalignant Respiratory Disease among Uranium Miners, D. W. Mapel, MD, MPH; D. B. Coultas, MD; D. S. James, MD; Wm. C. Hunt, MA; C. A. Stidley, PhD; and F. D. Gilliland, MD, PhD. American Journal of Public Health, Vol 87, no. 5, May 1997.

Indigenous Women Leesto: The Powerful Yellow Monster by: Ester Yazzie (1997).

Stating the Position of Navajo Tribal Utility Authority on Proposed Uranium Solution Mining In Eastern Navajo Agency by Hydro-Resources, Inc. Resolution of the Management Board of the NTUA. By: Hanley; (1997).

Cunningham Hill Mine Reclamation Project. LAC Minerals (USA) Inc. 1997.

The Uranium Mines of Siberia, Wm. Paul Robinson, SRIC; Earth Island Journal, Winter 1996-97.

"Environmental Damage and Policy Issues in the Uranium and Gold Mining Districts of Chita Oblast in the Russian Far East: A Report on Existing Problems at Baley and Krasnokamensk and Policy Needs in the Region" (91k document) completed November 1996. Copy of research paper on uranium and thorium mines in the Chita region of Siberia and their associated environmental and health problems on behalf Baikalwatch, a project of the Earth Island Institute and the Baikal Center for Ecological and Citizen Initiatives in Irkutsk, Russia.

"Perceived Occupational and Environmental Exposures – A Case Study of Former Uranium Millworkers," G. E. Madsen, S. E. Dawson, and B. R. Spykerman. Environment and Behavior, Vol. 28, No. 5, September 1996.

Uranium Mill tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project. US Department of Energy (1996).

"Review of Recent Uranium Production and Market Trends," Wm. Paul Robinson, SRIC, on behalf of Saskatchewan Uranium Committee, June 13-14, 1996.

Memorandum to: Innu Nation Task Force on Mining Activities in Nitassinan, Camille Foulliard, Rina MacKillop, Larry Innes; Re: Reference List to Support Presentation at December 1995 Community Meetings; Paul Robinson, SRIC, December 6, 1995.

Comments and Recommendations Submitted to Environmental Assessment Panel Reviewing Decommissioning Proposals for the Elliot Lake Uranium Mine Tailings Management Areas, Wm. Paul Robinson, SRIC, on behalf of Northwatch, North Bay, Ontario, Canada, November 15, 1995.

Review of Tailings Management, Disposal and Reclamation Aspects of the Crown Jewel Mine DEIS, Wm. Paul Robinson, SRIC, August 24, 1995.

Biomarker Monitoring of a Population Residing Near Uranium Mining Activities, W. W. Au, R. G. Lane, M. S. Legator, E. B. Whorton, G. S. Wilkinson, and G. J. Gabehart; reprinted from Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 103, No. 5, May 1995.

"Mortality among Navajo Uranium Miners," Robert J. Roscoe, MS, James A. Deddens, PhD, Alberto Salvan, MD, PhD, and Teresa Schnorr, PhD; American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 85, No. 4, April 1995.

"Radioactivity 'back to normal,'" Gallup Independent, March 13, 1995.

Uranium Mining in Navajo ground Water: The Risks Outweigh the Benefits. Comments on the draft environmental Impact statement to construct and operate the Crownpoint, New Mexico. Prepared by Paul Robinson, Chris Shuey, and Ray Morgan, Southwest Research Information Center. February 28, 1995.

Comments on DEIS to Construct and Operate the Crownpoint Uranium Solution Mining Project, Docket No. 40-8968, Hydro Resources, Inc., to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) by Peg Rogers, Atty., Navajo Nation Department of Justice, February 21, 1995.

Radioactivity in the Environment -- A Case Study of the Puerco and Little Colorado River Basins, Arizona and New Mexico, Laurie Wirt, U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-9192, Prepared in cooperation with the Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (ONHIR), 1994.

"Residential Radon Exposure and Lung Cancer in Sweden," Goran Pershagen, M.D., Gustav Akerblom, M.Sc., et al.; The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 330, No. 3, January 20, 1994.

"Health Effects of Radon," Jonathan M. Samet, reprint from ASTM Manual 15, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1994.

Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum Newsletter, September 1993.

Social Work Practice and Technological Disasters: The Navajo Uranium Experience, Susan E. Dawson, Ph.D., Utah State Univ.; Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, Vol. XX, No. 2, June 1993.

Technical Resource Document -- Extraction and Beneficiation of Ores and Minerals: Volume 5 URANIUM, U.S. EPA and SAIC, June 1993.

"Navajo Uranium Workers and the Effects of Occupational Illnesses: A Case Study," Susan E. Dawson, Human Organization, Vol. 51, No. 4, Winter 1992.

"Navajo Birth Outcomes in the Shiprock Uranium Mining Area," L.M. Shields, W.H. Wiese, B.J. Skipper, B. Charley, and L. Benally, Health Physics, Vol. 62, No. 5, November 1992.

"Spill's Effects Fade from Rio Puerco - but contaminants leave river unsafe for drinking," Gallup Independent, October 15, 1992.

"Contaminant Loading on the Puerco River--A Historical Overview," C. Shuey, Puerco River Symposium, October 14, 1992.

"Effects of uranium mining discharges on water quality in the Puerco River basin, Arizona and New Mexico," by Peter C. Van Metre & John R. Gray, US Geological Survey; Hydrological Sciences Journal/Des Sciences Hydrologiques, Vol. 37, No. 5, October 1992.

"An Overview of Uranium and Nuclear Development on Indian Lands in the Southwest," John Redhouse, January 1992.

WISE (World Information Service on Energy), Uranium Special Edition, December 6, 1991.

"Lung Cancer Mortality and Exposure to Radon Progeny in a Cohort of New Mexico Underground Uranium Miners," J.M. Samet, D.R. Pathak, M.V. Morgan, C.R. Key, A.A. Valdivia, and J.H. Lubin; Health Physics, Vol. 61, No. 6, p. 745-752, December 1991.

United States of America v. United Nuclear Corporation. In the United States District Court For the District of New Mexico. October 1991.

"Navajo miners await compensation," Gallup Independent, August 22, 1991.

Uranium Mining at the Grand Canyon -- What Costs to Water, Air, and Indigenous People?, Cate Gilles, The Workbook, Spring 1991.

"Uranium Production and its Effects on Navajo Communities Along the Rio Puerco in Western New Mexico," Wm. Paul Robinson, Proceedings of the Michigan Conference on Race and the Incidence of Environmental Hazards, December 1990.

Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum Newsletter, October 1990.

Uranium Miners Compensation Legislation -- Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, April 25, 1990 - Mr. Brooks from the Committee on the Judiciary, to accompany H.R. 2372, House of Representatives, 101st Congress, 2d session, Report 101-463; Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, Public Law 101-426, HR 2372, October 15, 1990.

Lujan Allows Rape of Black Mesa to Continue. Dine Bi Keyah. September 1990.

Uranium Impact: Navajos Battle Effects On Two Fronts. B. Barton Lee. Gallup Independent. July 26, 1990.

"Uranium has Decimated Navajo Miners," High Country News, Vol. 22, No. 12, June 18, 1990.

"Experts knew Miners were at Risk," High Country News, Vol. 22, No. 12, June 18, 1990.

U.S. May Pay People Exposed To Radiation. Albuquerque Tribute. June 6, 1990.

Radiation Exposure Compensation Act: House of Representatives. Mr. Brooks. April 25, 1990.

Fluvial Dynamics of Thorium-230 in the Church Rock Event, Puerco River, New Mexico. William L. Graf. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 1990.

"Our Uranium Legacy," Cate Gilles, Marti Reed, and Jacques Seronde, 1990.

"Uranium Miners Inherit Dispute's Sad Legacy," Keith Schneider, New York Times, p. 1, January 9, 1990.

National Campaign Launched to Compensate Uranium Miners and Victims of Radioactive Fallout. Lynda Taylor. December 1989.

Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Government Relations House Judiciary Committee. Lynda Taylor. November 8, 1989.

Regulatory Compliance Considerations, Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project. U.S. Department of Energy. October 1989.

Ambrosia Lake, New Mexico – A Giant Uranium District. William L. Chenoweth. October 1, 1989.

Puerco Valley Navajo Clean Water Association, presentation to Inter-Denominational Hearings on Toxics in Minority Communities, sponsored by SouthWest Organizing Project and Eco-Justice Task Force, September 30, 1989.

"Navajos Fight for Clean Water," Puerco Valley Navajo Clean Water Association, The Workbook, July-September, 1989.

Japanese Teachers Tour Pinedale. Melissa Schlanger. Gallup Independent. August 12, 1989.

"'We Were Not Afraid of the Water Then' - Focus on Radioactivity in the Puerco River," People's Daily World, August 1, 1989.

PVNCWA - Puerco Valley Navajo Clean Water Association, August 1989.

"7/16/79 - 'Right off we could tell it was unusual,' Gallup Independent, July 18, 1989.

"Puerco spill after 10 years: Radioactivity still spreading danger," Gallup Independent, p. 1, July 18, 1989.

"Residents of Church Rock Area Band Together for Improved Water Supplies," Navajo-Hopi Observer, p. 1, June 28, 1989; "Puerco - Group Intends to Find Source of Clean Water," Gallup Independent, June 24, 1989.

Revitalizing Hispanic and Native American Communities: Four Examples. The Workbook, Volume 14, Number 1. March 1989

Puerco River Education Project: Accomplishments To Date and Expectations For 1989-1991. Chris Shuey, Raymond Morgan. February 17, 1989.

Standing Rock Chapter Resolution. February 1989.

"Official: Too Much Poison in Church Rock Cleanup," Gallup Independent, p. A-1, January 13, 1989.

Letter to Mr. Leo Watchman, State Representative from Chris Shuey regarding the study of contamination in the Puerco River. January 10, 1989

Letter to William Rowe from Chris Shuey regarding Pinedale Chapter’s comments on RI/FS for United Nuclear Corp. Uranium Mill Tailings Site. January 4, 1989.

What is P.V.N.C.W.A (Puerco Valley Navajo Clean Water Association)? Brochure Information. From PVNCWA. 1989.

Sources of Pollutants in the Puerco River in New Mexico - SRIC, January 1989.

EPA-IX P.I./CERCLA on Puerco, Site Investigation Summary Report for Puerco River, Arizona and New Mexico, November 14, 1988.

Bibliography of Uranium in SITU Leach Technology. Helen K. Holen, William O. Hatchell. 1988

Selection of Remedy. United Nuclear Corporation Site. October 1988.

Point sources of Ground Water contamination, New Mexico N.M.E.I.D. printout. October 1988.

Pinedale/Chapter-UNC RI/FS Comments - September 20, 1988; letter to Wm. Rowe, Project Manager, Superfund Enforcement Branch, US EPA, from Pine Dale Navajo Chapter, September 20, 1988; Comments of the Pinedale Chapter, Navajo Nation on the US EPA's Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) for the United Nuclear Corp. Uranium Mill and Tailings Facility near Church Rock, New Mexico, prepared for the Pinedale Chapter by Chris Shuey, SRIC, September 20, 1988.

Tribal Peoples Survival, Tonantzin Land Institute, Fall 1988.

Letter to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency From R. Dale Smith Regarding United Nuclear Corporation Church rock Site Operable Unit Feasibility Study Gallup, New Mexico. September 02, 1988.

The Legend of the Rock. A Filmmaker Documents America’s Worlds Radioactive Waste Spill. Colleen Keane. Earth Island Journal. Fall 1988.

Memorandum of Understanding Between U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for Remedial Action at the UNC-Church rock Uranium Mill. August 28, 1988.

"Houck Warned of Puerco," Gallup Independent, August 2, 1988.

"Rio Radioactive - Perky Studier: Stop Studying 'Hot' River and Act Now," Gallup Independent, p. 1, July 19, 1988.

"Conflicting Claims on contamination confuse Indians - Language blocks informing some about danger," Arizona Republic, July 10, 1988; "Radioactive rivers may be health risk," Arizona Republic, July 10, 1988.

Statement Before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs Concerning Uranium Mill Tailings Provisions of H.R. 4489. Paul Robinson. June 28, 1988.

New Statistical Techniques Alter Radon Risk Estimates. Rick Borchelt. National Academy Press. February 1988

"Film gets lousy reviews from New Mexico," High Country News, p. 5, February 15, 1988.

SRIC Puerco Water Quality Report - Summary of Surface Water and Ground Water Quality Investigations Conducted by Southwest Research and Information Center in the Puerco River Valley, New Mexico and Arizona, 1986-1987, prepared by Chris Shuey and Ray Morgan, Puerco River Education Project (PREP), SRIC, December 1987.

"Chapters See Perky Spill Film," Gallup Independent, p. 1, November 20, 1987.

More tailings tests? Possible Radiation concerns chapters Gallup Independent, November 17, 1987

"Major Puerco Study Proposed," Gallup Independent, p. 1, November 12, 1987.

Letter: Lupton chapter water resources. By Kee Joe Benally; October 16, 1987.

Health Implications of Radionuclide Levels in cattle raised near U Mining and Milling facilities in Ambrosia Lake, New Mexico. By Sandra C. Lapham, Millard, and Samet. October 10, 1987.

"Puerco Water Still Not Safe," Gallup Independent, October 9, 1987.

Church Rock Spill: Indian, Environmental bureaus test wells. Gallup Independent pg. 1. September 25, 1987.

Church rock well tests set, by Ann Paulus. Gallup Independent Volume 100. , September 18, 1987.

Indian Tribal government look to take control of Reservation Environment: Indian Tribes Enter the Nuclear waste Debate. The Workbook, Vol. XII, O.3. Southwest Research and Information Center. July/ September 1987.

What is "Safe" Drinking Water?, Navajo Water Wells Sampled by Puerco River Education Project (PREP) Staff, July 1987; SRIC, October 1987.

"Church Rock hears of post-spill water plans; others to meet," Gallup Independent, p. 1, July 30, 1987.

Puerco River Education Project (PREP) Newsletter — Puerco River Education Project Schedules Community Information Meetings During July and August, by Chris Shuey and Raymond Morgan. July 1987.

Abstracts of Papers; Gastroenterology vol.92. No.5, Part 2. May 1987

Puerco Officials Letter to EPA on CERCLA - Navajo Elected Officials, Puerco River Valley Officials Letter to EPA on CERCLA (Ernest C. Becenti, Jr. to Alan Tavenner, Project Officer, EPA), May 22, 1987.

Puerco Project Re-funded. Gallup Independent. April 17, 1987.

"Officials Optimistic on Uranium Tailings Cleanup," Albuquerque Journal, p. D-3, April 8, 1987.

"Uranium Cleanup - Church Rock Asks New Wells," Gallup Independent, April 7, 1987.

U.S Environmental Protective Agency (EPA); Environmental News by Karen L. Brown. March 24, 1987.

US Government Memorandum. Radhaz Conference –Albuquerque, NM. March 20, 1987.

"Rio Radioactive - Puerco River Project Still Keeps Eye on Tailings Spill," Gallup Independent, p. 1, March 17, 1987.

Puerco River Education Project (PREP) Newsletter — About The Puerco River Education Project, by Chris Shuey and Raymond Morgan. February 1987.

Uranium Waste Issues -- 1987; prepared by Chris Shuey, Lynda Taylor, Paul Robinson, and Don Hancock, SRIC, January 19, 1987. The Issues: Abandoned Uranium Mine Reclamation, Active Uranium Mill Tailings Cleanup, Remedial Action at Abandoned Uranium Tailings Sites, and Uranium Miners Compensation Legislation.

"In New Mexico's uranium belt: Rebottling the nuclear genie," Steve Hinchman, High Country News, Vol. 19, No. 1, p. 1, January 19, 1987.

Uranium Waste Issues: Southwest Research and Information Center. Prepared by Chris Shuey, Lynda Taylor, Paul Robinson, and Don Hancock. January 19, 1987.

"Dear U.S. Water News...Indians need clean water," Chris Shuey, SRIC; U.S. Water News, p. 6, December 1986.

Puerco Spill: No Long-term Affect. Albuquerque Journal. December 5, 1986.

"For relocation lands - Rio Puerco to be studied," Gallup Independent, p. 1, November 15, 1986.

The Impacts of the Sohio Uranium Mill on Cebolleta Land Grant Water Supplies and Lands: Important Questions and Answers. Prepared for and distributed by the Cebolleta Land Grant Board of Trustees. October 1986.

Radionuclide Levels in Sheep and Cattle Grazing Near Uranium Mining and Milling at Church Rock, NM - Dr. Jere B. Millard, Dr. Sandra C. Lapham, and Paul Hahn, NM EID, October 1986.

EID Church Rock Sheep Studies,(including EID News, news release), Elevated radionuclide levels found in cattle grazing near Uranium mines and mills; Executive Summary and Recommendations Radionuclide Levels in Cattle Raised Near Uranium Mines and Mills in Northwest New Mexico, Environmental Improvement Division, NM, news release June 17, 1986; Radionuclide Levels in Sheep and Cattle Grazing Near Uranium Mining and Milling At Church Rock, NM, Dr. Jere B. Millard, Dr. Sandra C. Lapham, and Paul Hahn, NM EID, October 1986.

Tailing Review: Uranium Hexafluoride Releases, Uranium Spills, Worker Over exposures, Excessive Airborne Uranium levels and assorted contamination Incidents. Sequoyah Supplement October 24, 1986.

MacDonald twists truth on radiation: Independent Opinion. Gallup Independent. October 15, 1986.

"U.S. Alerts Tribe to Foul Water - Radioactivity Levels in River May Imperil Livestock of Navajos," Arizona Republic, p. B-1, October 7, 1986.

MacDonald alleges Zah ‘covered up’ Uranium warnings by Carolyn Calvin. Navajo Times Today, Window Rock, Az. October 3, 1986.

Radiation is Issue in Campaign by Kim Oriole. Gallup Independent. October 3, 1986.

PREP Historic-Use Survey, Ray Morgan, September 30, 1986.

Agenda: Meeting for Chapter Officers and Chapter Managers: Puerco River Education Project. By Chris Sheuy and Raymond Morgan. Southwest Research and Information Center. September 23, 1986.

SRIC Comments on Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment for Proposed Puerco River and Tributaries Flood Control Project; letter to Col. D. Fred Butler, Dist. Engr, US Army Corps of Engrs/Los Angeles Dist., and Mr. Jonathan R. Freedman, Geographer, Environmental Resources ch, US Army Corp of Engrs./Los Angeles Dist., September 19, 1986.

Synthetic Organic Compounds, Hazardous Chemicals, Metals, Radionuclides, in Uranium Mill Processes, Waste Streams, and Tailings - C. Shuey, SRIC, August 14, 1986.

"Indian Wars in the Nuclear Age - The Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute," Trebbe Johnson, Amicus Journal, Natural Resources Defense Council, Vol. 8, No. 1, Summer 1986.

Memorandum: Community Water Problem: Lupton Chapter officials to Peter Deswood. July 02, 1986.

Executive Summary and Recommendations Radionuclide Levels in cattle Raised near uranium mines and mills in Northwest New Mexico. Environmental Improvement Division. June 1986.

EID News - news release, Elevated radionuclide levels found in cattle grazing near uranium mines & mills, June 17, 1986.

"Radionuclide Levels in Cattle Raised Near Uranium Mines and Mills in Northwest New Mexico," New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division, June 1986.

"Controversy over safety of river's water has Navajos fearing that radiation lingers," Arizona Republic, May 14, 1986.

Lupton water problems aired by Richard Sitts. Gallup Independent. May 13, 1986.

"Drink No Puerco Water," Gallup Independent, p. 1, May 8, 1986.

Affidavit of WM. Paul Robinson, in re: Crow Butte In Situ Leach Project Permit Application May 05 1986.

Water Quality Study, Puerco River, AZ, 1985; Arizona Department of Health Service, Office of Emergency Response and Environmental Analysis, Water Assessment Section, Ambient Water Unit, April 1986.

Letter from Steven Sares, Water Resource Specialist, Ground Water Section, NM EID to G. L. Higgins, Jr., Mobil Alternative Energy, Inc., RE: Discharge Plan 137 Renewal, March 14, 1986.

The Puerco River:  Where Did the Water Go? The Workbook, Vol. 11, No. 1, January/March 1986.

Restoration Progress report Crownpoint section 9 Pilot in SITU Leach Plant. Mobil Alternative Energy Inc. by J.F Cullen to P. Morgan. January 22, 1986.

Radiation is issue in Campaign by Kim Oriole. Cumber 233/Vol. 99. Gallup Independent. 1986.

An Analysis of Western Technologies Report “Water quality Investigation” And a discussion of water related issues on the "New Lands" Acquired for Navajo Relocates in Arizona. By Micheal A Brown. October 17, 1985.

Long-term Contamination of the Puerco River: An Analysis of Recent Surface Water Monitoring Data. Chris Shuey. October 1985.

Comments of SRIC on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Reclamation of the Jackpile-Paguate Uranium Mine Laguna Reservation, New Mexico, by Wm. Paul Robinson, Chris Shuey, and Holis A. Whitson, Esq., October 4, 1985.

Supplemental Statement of the Environmental Defense Fund, Sierra Club, Environmental Policy Institute, and Southwest Research & Information Center, In the Matter of Proposed Rules to Conform Uranium Mill Tailings Regulations to Standards Adopted by the Environmental Protection Agency, September 10, 1985.

"The 'Costs' of Uranium: Who's Paying with Lives, Lands, and Dollars," The Workbook, Vol. 10, No. 3, July/September 1985.

SRIC Comments on Use-Attainability Study for Puerco River and Answers to Puerco River Working Group Policy Questions; Letter to Kathleen Sisneros, Chief, Surface Water Quality Bureau, NM EID. July 22, 1985.

Final Amendments to uranium Mill Tailing Rule to Implement EPA Stability and Radon release Standards. Rulemaking Issue (Affirmation) for the Commissioners from William J. Dircks (Executive Director for Operations. May 20, 1985.

Impacts of Uranium Mining on Surface and Shallow Ground Waters - Grants Mineral Belt, New Mexico, by Bruce M. Gallaher and Steven J. Cary, NM EID, May 1985.

"Control of Ground Water Contamination at an Active Uranium Mill," Ground Water Monitoring Review, Spring 1985.

"Navajos lack cash to study tainted homes," Arizona Republic, p. B-1, April 26, 1985.

US EPA 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart B - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) -- Standard for Radon-222 Emissions from Underground Uranium Mines, Final Rule, April 17, 1985.

NM EID Response of Environmental Improvement Division to Recommendations and Statement of Reasons by the Working Group on New Mexico's Radiation Protection Regulations, April 13, 1985.

Discussion of Suspected Ground-Water Contamination from Seepage of Wastewater from the Sohio (Kennecott Minerals) L-Bar Uranium Mill Tailings Impoundment, by Wm. Paul Robinson, SRIC, March 1985.

Radon and Radon Decay Product Concentrations in New Mexico's Uranium Mining and Milling District, Thomas Buhl, Jere Millard, David Baggett, Sue Trevathan, Radiation Protection Bureau, Environmental Improvement Division, New Mexico Health and Environment Department, Final Report, March 1985.

Letter to Gov. Toney Anaya, from the Working Group on New Mexico's Radiation Protection Regulations, Re: modifications in previous report to clarify recommendations, no major revisions, giving Final Recommendations; Recommendations and Statement of Reasons For Changes in New Mexico Radiation Protection Regulations and Their Enabling Legislation, Working Group on New Mexico's Radiation Protection Regulations, February 15, 1985.

Draft Background Information Document, Proposed Standard for Radon-222 Emissions to Air from Underground Uranium Mines, US EPA, Office of Radiation Programs, 40 CFR Part 61, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, Doc. No. PEI 3642-12, February 14, 1985.

"A Western Colorado uranium town is beset by radioactivity and the economy," High Country News, February 4, 1985.

"Uranium mines and mills may have caused birth defects among Navajo Indians," High Country News, February 4, 1985.

"Terata - Only 88 Out of 100 American Babies Are Born Without Defects. If The Birth Defect Crisis Continues, 'Terata' Will Become A Household Word," Mother Jones, January 1985.

Long-term Radiological Aspects of Management of Wastes from Uranium Mining and Milling. Committee of Radiation Protection and Public Health and the Radioactive Waste Management Committee. Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). September 1984.

"The West's tailings mess becomes a legal mess," High Country News, August 6, 1984.

Excerpts Only, In the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, No. 83-2259 and Consolidated cases, Eagle-Picher Industries, Inc., et al., Petitioners, vs. United States Environmental Protection Agency, et al., Respondents, Brief for Intervenor State of New Mexico and New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division, Paul Bardacke, Attorney General, August 1984.

Church Rock Hears of Post-Spill Water Plans; Others To Meet. Ann Paulus. Gallup Independent. July 30, 1984.

"Judge says U.S. isn't liable in Navajo cancer," Albuquerque Tribune, July 11, 1984.

"The Assessment of Human Exposure to Radionuclides From A Uranium Mill Tailings Release and Mine Dewatering Effluent," A. James Ruttenber, Jr., Kathleen Kreiss, Richard L. Douglas, Thomas E. Buhl, and Jere Millard, Health Physics, Vol. 47, No. 1, July 1984.

"Researchers say radiation to blame for Navajo birth defects," New Mexico PAY DIRT, June 1984.

"Lung Cancer in Swedish Iron Miners Exposed to Low Doses of Radon Daughters," Edward P. Radford, M.D., and K. G. St. Clair Renard, M.D., New England Journal of Medicine, June 7, 1984.

"Uranium Mining and Lung Cancer in Navajo Men," Jonathan M. Samet, M.D., Daniel M. Kurvirt, B.A., Richard J. Waxweiler, Ph.D., and Charles R. Key, M.D., Ph.D., New England Journal of Medicine, June 7, 1984.

"Study Ties Navajo Cancer, Uranium Mining," Albuquerque Journal, June 7, 1984.

"Outcome of 13,300 Navajo Births from 1964 to 1981 in the Shiprock Uranium Mining Area," Lora Mangum Shields and Alan B. Goodman, Symposium Presentation AAAS, New York City, May 1984.

Secondary Sex ratio and birth weights of Navajo Indians in an area of Uranium Mining and Milling, A thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree master of science, by Rita A. Goodman. May 1984.

Natural Surface-Water Quality in the Grants Mineral Belt, by Steven J. Cary and Bruce M. Gallaher, NM EID, April 1984.

"Updated Evaluation and Recommendations Concerning the Lung Cancer Risks of Inhalation Exposures to Short-Lived Alpha Radiation in Underground Mines," National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Draft, Spring 1984.

"Radionuclide and Heavy Metal Distribution in 20th Century Sediments of Major Streams in the Eastern Part of the Grants Uranium Region, New Mexico," C.J. Popp, D.W. Love, J.W. Hawley, and K. Novo-Gradac, NM Inst. of Mining and Technology, April 11-12, 1984.

Characterization of Ground Water Quality near A Uranium Mill Tailings Facility And Comparison To Background Levels and New Mexico Standards. Chris Shuey, Paul Robinson. April 12, 1984.

Uranium Mill Tailings as Hazardous Waste: A Brief Overview. Chris Shuey. March 26, 1984.

Notes: Organics In Uranium Mill Process and Waste Streams. Chris Shuey. March 20, 1984.

Firm Accused of Intimidation During Hearing. David Carlson. Gallup Independent. February 23, 1984.

All Eyes Focus On Mining Meet. David Carlson. Gallup Independent. February 23, 1984.

Citizens Testify At Homestake Hearing, Officials Say Proceedings Expected To Come To An End By Late Today. Dave Carlson. Gallup Independent. February 1984.

Homestake Mining Settles Suit with Property Owners. Albuquerque Journal. February 4, 1984.

Homestake Offers New Plan to Clean Up Contaminated Water. David Carlson. Gallup Independent. February 01, 1984.

Pre-Hearing Ground-Water Discharge Plan Analysis for Homestake’s Uranium Mill Near Milan, New Mexico – Homestake Mining Company. Prepared by K. Bostick, J. Hubbell, D. Jercinovic, Ground Water Section, Ground Water Quality and Hazardous Waste Bureau, New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division, January 1984.

"Uranium Legacy - Radioactive Spill's Long Term Effects Surface," The Workbook, Volume 8, Number 6, November/December 1983.

Preliminary Analysis of the Groundwater Protection Requirements – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Final Standards for Uranium Mill Tailings At Licensed Commercial Processing Sites (40 CFR 192 Subpart D). Prepared by Chris Shuey, Southwest Research and Information Center. December 12, 1983.

Uranium Legacy: Radioactive spill’s long term effects surface; The Workbook. Vol. VII, NO.6. Southwest research and Information Center. Nov/December. 1983.

Judge Signs Homestake Water Agreement. Talli Nauman. Albuquerque Journal. November 30, 1983.

Mill Tailings Pond Seepage Problem, UNC (United Nuclear Corp.) Mining and Milling Division, Church Rock, New Mexico, Operations; prepared by C. Shuey, Water & Mining Project, SRIC, November 1, 1983.

Areas of EID interest re: Uranium Regulations. October 26, 1983

"Review of Data Which Indicates the Extent of Contamination to the North of the UNC Tailings Disposal Area in Pipeline Canyon," Memo from Richard Raymondi and Ron Conrad, Ground-water, through Maxine Goad, Program Manager, to Tony Drypolcher, Acting Bureau Chief, Ground Water Quality & Hazardous Waste Bureau, NM EID, October 24, 1983.

UNC Resources At Odds With New Mexico Over Uranium. John Dougherty. Washington Post. October 10, 1983.

1983 Progress Report to March of Dimes - Study of Reproductive Effects of Paternal and Maternal Exposures to Radioactive Uranium Waste on the Navajo Reservation, Lora M. Shields, Navajo Community College, Shiprock, NM, August 19, 1983.

Letter From Paul Robinson To Steve Asher Regarding Materials on EID and the Work of the Radiation and Water Bureaus. Southwest Research and Information Center. August 12, 1983.

In the US District Court for the District of New Mexico, United States of America v. Homestake Mining Company, Comments (Protest) in behalf of the individual owners of Broadview and Murray Acres, Pleasant Valley and Falice Acres, against the EPA’s proposed Stipulation and Agreement under CERCLA. August 4, 1983.

Renewal of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits for United Nuclear Corp. (NM0028550), UNC Mining and Milling division (NM0020401), Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corp. (NM0020524), and Phillips Uranium Corp. (NM0028274); additions to the hearing records, sent to Tony Anthony, U.S. EPA, from Paul Robinson, Southwest Research and Information Center, August 3, 1983.

Statement Before the United States Environmental Protection Agency, In the matters of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits for: UNC Mining and Milling Division Northeast Church Rock Mine (No. NM0020401); UNC Mining and Milling Division Old Church Rock Mine (No. NM0028550); and Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corporation Church Rock Mine (No. NM002524), Applications for Renewal. Statement for the Records at the Public Hearings, Gallup, New Mexico, July 27-29, 1983.

Letter to Tom Udall, Acting Director, NM Environmental Improvement Division, from William B. Hathaway, Deputy Director, Air & Waste Management Division, US EPA, Re: Water Analysis, UNC Facilities at Church Rock, NM, data gathered during weeks of November 8 and November 15, 1982; Letter Received on July 22, 1983.

Letter to Myron Knudson, Director, Water Management Division, US EPA, from Charles D. Anders, Director, Division of Environmental Health Services, Arizona Department of Health Services, Re: Elevated radioactivity levels of the Puerco River.

Neighbors Sue Mill Owners Over Water. Talli Nauman. Albuquerque Journal. July 13, 1983.

Grants Residents Demand Action On Uranium Tailings. Albuquerque Tribune. July 7, 1983.

Statement of Residents Of Murry Acres and Broadview Estates, Milan, N.M., To Hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Sen. Pete V. Domenici Presiding with EPA administrator Wiliam Ruckelshaus in Attendance. July 6, 1983.

Statement Regarding Murry Acres / Broadview Acres Problems with Homestake Mining Company’s Tailings Pile. July 1, 1983

Southwest Research and Information Center Comments on the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory commissions Proposed Suspension of uranium Mill tailings Licensing regulations (10 CFR 40, Appendix A); Docking and service branch. Samuel Chilk (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). From Chris Shuey. June 27, 1983.

Letter: EID’s Water Pollution Control Bureau; EPA proposed active-site standards for a groundwater standpoint. To Sally Rogers, Office of the Governor, NM, from Chris Shuey, Southwest Research and Information Center, June 23, 1983.

Known and Suspected Health Hazards Related to the Mining and Milling of Uranium, presented before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Southwest and Rocky Mountain Division, by Lynda Taylor, SRIC, June 20, 1983.

"Arizona seeks ban on radioactive waste in river," The Arizona Republic, May 17, 1983.

Comments of Southwest Research and Information Center and Two Rivers Citizens Association on EPA Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for ‘low’ and ‘medium’ Priority Uranium Mill Tailings Sites. Letter to Dr. Stanley Lichtman from Chris Shuey. May 5, 1983.

Water Quality in New Mexico - Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth Annual New Mexico Water Conference, New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, NMSU; "The Puerco River: Muddy Issues Raised by a Mine Water Dominated Ephemeral Stream," Bruce Gallaher, Water Resource Specialist, NM EID; April 5-6, 1983.

EPA Project Summary - Trace and Potentially Toxic Elements Associated with Uranium Deposits in South Texas, March 1983.

Memorandum: Status of SRIC Radiation regulations Amendments before the New Mexico Improvement Board. To Paul Robinson, Lynda Taylor, Alice Hector and files, from Chris Sheuy. March 11, 1983

Impending Threats to the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Program (UMTRAP). Letter to All Interested Persons from Lynda Taylor. Southwest Research and Information Center. February 13, 1983.

Chemical Pollution of Usable Groundwater by Seepage from the United Nuclear Corp. Uranium Mill Tailings Impoundment, Church Rock, New Mexico - Initial Statement for the Record before a Hearing of the NM Environmental Improvement Division, Santa Fe, NM, by C. Shuey and Wm. P. Robinson, SRIC, February 1, 1983.

Uranium Wastes Contaminating Drinking Water? Burt Hubbard. Albuquerque Tribune. January 23, 1983.

Epidemiology Applied To Health Physics. Proceedings of the 16th Midyear tropical meeting of the Health Physics society. January 13, 1983

New Mexico’s Philosophy for Reclamation and Stabilization of Uranium Mill Tailings. 1983.

Pertinent Information on the UNC Seepage Problem and DP-152. 1983

New Mexico’s Compliance with UMTRCA, a timeline. 1982

General Comments for Discussion prepared by Paul Robinson, Lynda Taylor, and Chris Shuey. To Robert McNeil, secretary, New Mexico Health and Environment Department. SRIC. December 30, 1982.

Letter to Thomas Bailey, UNC Mining and Milling, from Russell F. Rhoades, Director, NM EID, Concerning notice of violation of Radiation Protection Regulations, December 27, 1982.

"Uranium: In the atom's shadow," The Arizona Republic, Kathleen L. Stanton, December 5-12, 1982.

"Mobility and Bioavailability of Uranium Mill Tailings Contaminants," David R. Dreesen and Joel M. Williams, Environmental Science Group, LANL; M. Lynn Marple, Texas Department of Health; and Ernest S. Gladney and Daniel R. Perrin, Environmental Surveillance Group, LANL; Environmental Science Technology, Volume 16, Number 10, 1982.

New Mexico Radiation Protection Regulations. New Mexico Environmental Division. To Russell Rhoades, from Chris Shuey. November 1, 1982

Geochemical Aspects of Radioactive Waste Disposal, Chapt. 10, "Uranium Mining and Mill Tailings," Douglas G. Brookins, 1982.

The Church Rock Uranium Mill Tailings Spill: A Health and Environment Assessment, Executive Summary, prepared by NM EID, October 1982.

Latest Developments in Various Uranium Tailings Programs. Uranium Mill Tailings; Inactive Site Standards, Remedial Action Programs, Active-Site Licensing. From Chris Sheuy (Southwest Research and Information Center) October 14, 1982.

"Risk Estimates for the Health Effects of Alpha Radiation," by Duncan C. Thomas and K.G. McNeill, A report prepared for the Atomic Energy Control Board, Ottawa, Canada, September 1982.

Discharge plan DP-152 for Church rock Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal Area. Environment Improvement Division, Russell F. Rhoades. August 27, 1982.

"Unresolved Issues and Recommendations for Resolution Concerning the Church Rock, New Mexico Uranium Tailings Dam Failure of July 16, 1979" - C. Shuey and L. Taylor, SRIC, August 1982.

‘Toinjoni — A Beautiful River That Turned Sour Janet Siskind, summer/ fall 1982.

MINE TALK -- "Church Rock Revisited, The Tailings Spill Three Years Later," Volume 2, Number 1 & 2, Summer/Fall 1982.

Comments on the New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division’s Proposed Additions to the New Mexico Radiation Protection Regulations, by Lynda Taylor, Southwest Research and Information Center. June 11, 1982.

"Review of the Non-Radiological Contaminants in the Long-Term Management of Uranium Mine and Mill Wastes," R.T. Pidgeon, School of Physics and Geosciences, Western Australian Institute of Technology; Taken from: "Proceedings Series, Management of Wastes from Uranium Mining and Milling, Proceedings of an International Symposium on Management of Wastes from Uranium Mining and Milling Jointly Organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and held in Albuquerque, May 10-14, 1982."

Letter: UNC Mining and Milling, Environmental Improvement Division, Thomas E. Baca. April 7, 1982.

"Lung Cancer Among Navajo Uranium Miners," Leon S. Gottlieb, M.D., F.C.C.P., and Laverne A. Husen, M.D., CHEST, Volume 81:4, April 1982.

"Conditions foster high birth defect rate - Birth defect study in mining areas," Navajo-Hopi Observer, March 25, 1982.

Letter to Medical Staff from Renee Rulin, Pittsburgh Medical Student and Thomas K. Welty, M.D., Department of Health and Human Services, Re: "Rare Metals Mill Workers," March 17, 1982. Survey of Ex-uranium Mill Workers, Rene Rulin, Thomas K. Welty, M.D., Tuba City Public Health Service Indian Hospital, March 19, 1982.

"Arizona birth-defect rate 33% above nation's," The Arizona Republic, March 16, 1982.

Memorandum: RTAC Minutes and Radon Study, to Paul, Lynda and Eric from Chris Shuey. Southwest Research and Information Center. March 6, 1982.

Letter to H. John Abbiss, United Nuclear Corporation, from Kent Breese, Project Manager, Uranium Licensing Section, New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division, regarding NM Radiation Protection Regulations per the renewal of UNC’s radioactive materials license. March 1, 1982.

The Problematic "Solution", A Case Study of In Situ Uranium, November 1981.

Urgent: The Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act in Jeopardy, Industry Seeks Reversal of Critical Public Health Legislation. Southwest Research and Information Center. December 21, 1981.

"Water-Quality Aspects of Uranium Mining and Milling in New Mexico," Bruce M. Gallaher and Maxine S. Goad, NM EID, NM Health and Environment Department, New Mexico Geological Society, Special Publication, No. 10, 1981.

Mining In Wyoming. Powder River Basin Resource Council. November 1981.

"Mortality Follow-up Through 1977 of the White Underground Uranium Miners Cohort Examined by the United States Public Health Service," R.J. Waxweiler, R.J. Roscoe, V.E. Archer, M.J. Thun, J.K. Wagoner, and F.E. Lundin, Jr.; International Conference, Radiation Hazards in Mining: Control, Measurement, and Medical Aspects, Colorado School of Mines, October 4-9, 1981.

"Birth Effects in Areas of Uranium Mining," William H. Wiese, M.D., M.P.H., University of New Mexico School of Medicine; Presented at International Conference: Radiation Hazards in Mining, Colorado School of Mines, October 7, 1981.

Letter to Mr. Thomas M. Hill from Thomas E. Baca Regarding EID approved construction of the UNC southeast evaporation ponds. September 22, 1981.

"Barring Implementation of NRC’s Uranium Mill Licensing Requirements" Letter To Honorable Harrison Schmitt from George Hensley. September 11, 1981.

Can Anaconda Reclaim Jackpile? Paul Robinson, Mine Talk. July-August 1981.

"Health Concerns in Uranium Mining and Milling" Victor E. Archer, M.D. Journal of Occupational Health, July 1981.

What We Don’t Know About Radiation And Birth Defects. Evelyn Oden. Mine Talk Vol. 1, No. 2. July 8, 1981.

Letter from Thomas E. Baca, Director, NM Environmental Improvement Division to Thomas Bailey, President, United Nuclear Corporation-Church Rock, re: new tailings disposal site. June 23, 1981.

Statement before U.S. Senate Committee on Environmental and Public Works, Subcommittee on Nuclear Regulation Concerning the Implementation of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act, Public Law 95-604. Paul Robinson, SRIC. June 16, 1981

Statement for the Record on the Proposed Amendments to the Radiation Protection Regulations>, June 11, 1981 before Environmental Improvement Board, George H. Hensley, Chairman.

"Discharge Plan DP-152 for Church Rock Mill Tailings" Letter to Thomas M. Pill from Thomas E. Baca. May 26, 1981.

"Ground-Water Contamination at the United Nuclear-Homestake Partners Uranium Mill" Letter to Joseph a. Pierce from Dennis McQuillan. April 23, 1981.

"Discharge Plan DP-152 For Church Rock Mill Tailings" Letter to Thomas M. Hill from Thomas E. Baca. March 11, 1981.

Reproductive Effects in the Four Corners Area, Conference Summary, Organized and Sponsored by the Department of Family, Community, and Emergency Medicine, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM, February 27, 1981.

Birth Effects in the Four Corners Area, William H. Wiese, M.D., University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Transcript of Meeting Held February 27, 1981.

Neoplasms Among Navajo Children, Submitted to Division of Health Improvement Services, by the Navajo Health Authority, February 24, 1981.

Calamity at Church Rock, by Chris Shuey, Saturday Magazine, Scottsdale Daily Progress, February 14, 1981

Letter to Honorable Bruce King from John F. Ahearne regarding New Mexico becoming an Agreement State under Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. January 29, 1981.

Letter to Mr. Albert J. Hazle from Ross A. Scarano regarding Lincoln Park area of Canon City and the results on samples. January 2, 1981.

Birth Defect Rates 1972-1980. 1981.

Uranium Mining and Milling: The Human Costs. Joseph Wagoner. December 1980

Letter to Director, Center for Disease Control (CDC), from Chronic Diseases Division, Bureau of Epidemiology, Re: Biological Assessment after Uranium Mill Tailings Spill, Church Rock, New Mexico, Dated December 14, 1980.

Ground Water Discharge Plan for United Nuclear Corporation N.E. Church Rock Mill. Science Applications, Inc. November 1980.

Radon and Radon Daughters from Uranium Mines: Sources, Impacts and Controls. Wm. Paul Robinson. October 1980.

Documented and Potential Occupational Health Hazards to Uranium Miners Exposed to Ionizing Radiation, by Lawrence D. Weiss, Ph.D., July 1980.

Letter to Robert B. Lagather from Anthony Robbins Regarding NIOSH’s report on "The Risk of Lung Cancer among Underground Miners of Uranium-Bearing Ores." July 10, 1980.

The Risk of Lung Cancer Among Underground Miners of Uranium-Bearing Ores, NIOSH Study Group Report, V.E. Archer, et al. June 30, 1980

"Responsible Uranium Mining and Milling: An Overview," Wm. Paul Robinson, SRIC, to the First International Conference on Uranium Mine Waste Disposal, Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, May 19-21, 1980.

Letter to the Honorable Ray Marshall, Secretary, Department of Labor, from Sidney M. Wolfe, M.D., Director, Public Citizen, Re: Emergency Temporary Mandatory Standard (ETMS) for Exposure to Radon Daughters, dated April 21, 1980.

Excerpts from: Invisible Violence, Re: Uranium Miners, Proceedings of the National Citizens' Hearings for Radiation Victims, April 10-14, 1980.

Navajo Uranium Operations: Early Hazards and Recent Interventions, Harold Tso and Lora M. Shields, April 10-14, 1980.

Effects of Uranium Mining On Ground Water In Ambrosia Lake Area, New Mexico. T.E. Kelly, Regina L. Link, and Mark r. Schipper. New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources, Memoir 38. 1980.

Uranium Mining and Processing – Nuclear Operations Near Grants, N.M., Kerr-McGee Corporation, 2nd Printing, Kerr-McGee Litho P-739-7M

Uranium Mining & Milling: a Primer, Reprinted from The Workbook, Vol. IV, nos. 6-7, November/December 1979. Coordinator David Riccitiello. Other contributors: Paul Robinson, Alice Hector, Judy Luis, David Benavides, and Don Hancock.

"Personnel Monitoring Devices and Records" Letter to All Department Heads from Art Gebeau, Kerr-McGee. October 29, 1979.

SRIC Testimony on the Mill Tailings Dam Break at Church Rock, New Mexico, Oversight Hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs before the House of Representatives, October 22, 1979.

Testimony on Behalf of the American Mining Congress at the Nuclear Regulatory commission Hearings on the Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Uranium Milling in Albuquerque, New Mexico. AMC Uranium Environmental Subcommittee. October 18-19, 1979.

Potential Health and Environmental Hazards of Uranium Mine Wastes, Draft Report. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. September 1979.

Letter to Ross A. Scarano, Section Leader, New Facilities Section, Uranium Recovery Licensing Branch, US NRC, from David R. Dreesen, Environmental Sciences Group, LANL, Re: Sampling data from Canon City, Colorado, Cotter Corp. Uranium Mill; June 26, 1979.

"The Widows of Red Rock," Chris Shuey, Saturday Magazine, June 2 and June 9, 1979.

"Field Survey of Sarah McCray’s Allotment No. 871, which is under Navajo Lease N00-C-14-20-4938 on February 28, 1979" Letter to DNA Attorneys from Paul Robinson. March 5, 1979.

Eastern Navajos file Uranium Suit. DNA Newsletter Volume XII, No. 1. February 1979

Progress Report on Southwest Research and Information Center’s Continuing Work on Uranium Issues in New Mexico and Nationwide. Southwest Research and Information Center. January 23, 1979

Status Report Uranium Mine and Mill Tailings Study for the Grants Mineral Belt. Thomas Buhl. January 1979

Uranium Mining and Lung Cancer Among Navaho Indians. Gerald D. Buker. 1979

Environmental Impact of Solution Mining. Edwin L. Hockman. Underground Space, Vol. 2. Pergamon Press. 1978

Ground-water Elements of In Situ Leach Mining of Uranium. Thompson et. al. Geraghty & Miller, Inc. 1978.

Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978. 1978.

Uranium In Situ Leach Mining in the United States. Wiliam C. Larson. United States Department of the Interior. 1978.

Letter to Mr. Paul Robinson from Gerald W. Stewart regarding comments on "analysis of Mobil/TVA’s Interim Mining and Reclamation Plan." November 7, 1978.

"Uranium Mill Tailings: Congress Addresses a Long-Neglected Problem," Luther J. Carter, Science, Vol. 202, October 13, 1978.

"Cancer and low level ionizing radiation," Karl Z. Morgan, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, September 1978.

Retention of Radioactive Wastes at an Operating Uranium Mill Site. R.B. Dodds, E.I. Jurgens, and C.A. Freitag. Seminar on Management, stabilization and environmental Impact of Uranium Mill Tailings. July 24-28, 1978.

An Assessment of the Long Term Interaction of Uranium Tailings With the Natural Environment. Lush et. al. Seminar on Management, stabilization and environmental Impact of Uranium Mill Tailings. July 24-28, 1978.

"Mobil Corporation’s Discharge Plan for the Crownpoint Pilot In-Situ Uranium Leaching Project" Letter to Maxine Goad from Bruce Gallaher. July 20, 1978.

Leaching of Radium From Uranium Tailings. D.M. Levins, R.K. Ryan, and K.P. Strong. July 24-28, 1978.

Analysis of Mobil/TVA’s Interim Mining and Reclamation Plan for Pilot Testing of In Situ Leaching at Crownpoint, McKinley County, New Mexico, May 1978. Paul Robinson, Southwest Research and Information Center. June 19, 1978.

"Uranium Mill Tailings - Environmental Implications," David R. Dreeson, LASL Mini-Review, LASL-77-37, February 1978.

The Spiderwort Strategy. Sadao Ichikawa. Environmental Action Reprint Service. November 15, 1977.

Radiological Evaluation of the Effects of Uranium Mining and Milling Operations on Selected Ground Water Supplies in the Grants Mineral Belt, New Mexico. Gregory G. Eadie, Robert F. Kaufman. Health Physics Pergamon Press. April 1977.

Statement of Richard D. Holland, retiring Chief of the Environmental Improvement Agency’s Water Quality Division regarding uranium companies filing an appeal of state ground water regulations. February 23, 1977.

"Respiratory Disease Mortality Among Uranium Miners," Victor E. Archer, J. Dean Gillam, and Joseph K. Wagoner, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Center for Disease Control, US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108; Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, #271, 1976.

The Grants Mineral Belt Summary Report. Thomas E. Baca. July 23, 1976.

Water Quality Impacts of Uranium Mining and Milling Activities in the Grants Mineral Belt, New Mexico, Excerpts from Final, EPA 906/9-75-002; US EPA, Region VI, September 1975.

Water Quality Impacts of Uranium Mining and Milling Activities in the Grants Mineral Belt, New Mexico. Environmental Protection Agency. July 1975.

Environmental Radiation and Human Health. Ernest J. Sternglass. Sixth Berkely Symposium: Sternglass. 1975.

Radium Removal from Uranium Ores and Mill Tailings. S.R. Borrowman, P.T. Brooks. January 1975.

Mortality of American Indian Uranium Miners. J.K. Wagoner, V.E. Archer, and J.D. Gillam. 1975

Mortality of American Indian Uranium Miners, J.K. Wagoner, V.E. Archer, and J.D. Gillam, Proceedings of the XI International Cancer Congress, Vol 3. Florence, October 20-26, 1974.

"Environmental Radiation and Human Health," Ernest J. Sternglass, University of Pittsburgh, Proceedings of the Sixth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Vol. 6: Effects of Pollution on Health. University of California, Berkeley, 1972.

Radon Daughter Exposure and Respiratory Cancer - Quantitative and Temporal Aspects, Report from the Epidemiological Study of the United States Uranium Miners, Frank E. Lundin, Jr., M.D., Joseph K. Wagoner, S.D., and Victor E. Archer, M.D., National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 1971.

Radon Progeny Inhalation Study as Applicable to Uranium Mining Operations. Keith J. Schiager. 5th Annual Progress Report on U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. February 28, 1970.

"Radiation as the Cause of Lung Cancer Among Uranium Miners," Joseph K. Wagoner, M.S., Victor E. Archer, M.D., Frank E. Lundin, Jr., M.D., Duncan A. Holaday, M.A., and J. William Lloyd, M.Sc.; The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 273, No. 4, July 22, 1965.

Pollutional Effects Of Wastes. Waste Guide for the Uranium Milling Industry. Tsiyoglov, E.C., O’Connell, R. L. 1962 Tsiyoglov, E.C., O’Connell, R. L. 1962

An Interim Report of a Health Study of the Uranium Mines and Mills by the Federal Security Agency; Public health Service division of occupational Health and the Colorado State Department of Public health. Prepared by: Senior sanitary Engineer Duncan A. Holiday, Surgeon Wilfred D. David, Senior Sanitary Engineer Henry N. Doyle. (May 1952).

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