MISSION: Southwest Research and Information Center is a multi-cultural organization working to promote the health of people and communities, protect natural resources, ensure citizen participation, and secure environmental and social justice now and for future generations

SRIC Extras

2002 Combined Federal Campaign

CFC LogoIt's that time of year. Thanks again to those individuals who contributed to SRIC in the past as part of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) for Central and Northern New Mexico. For those who have missed us, the 2002 CFC cycle has started. Please remember us when designating your CFC contribution - our organization number is 7067. Your generous contribution lets us continue our work on issues related to environmental equality and health, and economic concerns related to the environment. See your Human Resources office for more information, or contact Don or Annette at (505) 262-1862.

Southwest Research and Information Center's mission is "to provide timely, accurate information to the public on matters that affect the environment, human health, and communities in order to protect natural resources, promote citizen participation, and ensure environmental and social justice now and for future generations."

Your Support Needed

Southwest Research and Information Center depends on the gifts of individuals, foundations and corporations for its ability to work on behalf of New Mexico's environmental issues and concerns. Without YOUR help, we cannot take on the pressing environmental, health and economic issues that affect our daily lives.

How about pledging an amount each month for the next 12 months? A pledge of just $10 provides $120 a year to help continue our work on behalf of the environment. Just let us know and we can send your monthly reminders, or set things up to charge your credit card each month. Call Annette or Don for more details at (505) 262-1862.

Counterpoise Reviews Voices

Review of Voices from the Earth Vol. 2, No. 1 appeared in Counterpoise Vol. 5 (2001), No. ¾
Counterpoise: 1716 S.W. Williston Rd., Gainesville, FL 32608-4049

This is a gentle, radical publication. Without expressions of anger or bitterness - which all too often reflect a lack of hope - issues of environmental protection and aboriginal land claim are explored and linked to ongoing efforts to preserve the world around us.

This particular issue has a focus on nuclear waste. There are a number of pieces linking the storage of this toxic substance to issues such as problems with safe transportation of hazardous waste and opposition to the dumping of nuclear waste on tribal land. Where an issue is raised, details on where to find additional information are provided, which is essential for those interested in building up an informed grassroots movement.

A piece looking at uranium operations in Siberia, something I had not expected to come across here, was excellent. Drawing global links around issues of common concern is essential and part of developing a worldwide tapestry of resistance to the ideals of the WTO and related corporate dominated globalization structures.

There is also a good book review section, with publications focusing on issues similar to those raised in Voices from the Earth. Long after I forget the source, I'll remember the notice on the front page: "Nuclear waste, buried now in haste, will still be deadly in 12,001 A.D. What's the rush?"

Helpful to readers outside the usual activist circles is a glossary of terms, defined in plain - though not patronizing - language. Other issue-based publications might consider adding something similar to their regular features, especially if there is an interest in using a publication for outreach or organizing purposes.

I found this publication better than most organizational newsletters, reminding me of the long departed Birch Bark Alliance News. It is certainly an optimistic, alternative periodical that should be more widely read.

Brian Burch

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Table of Contents

"...Our use of ground water reserves has allowed us to ignore our extremely limited water income, and obscured the true state of our meager water accounts. We've been living off our savings, savings that in many cases took thousands of years to accumulate."
--Natural Capitalism, 1989s
Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins

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SRIC is part of the Stop Forever WIPP Coalition.
The nuclear waste dump is permitted to operate until 2024, but the federal government want to expand the amount and types of waste allowed with NO end date.
We need your help to protect New Mexico!

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Southwest Research and Information Center
105 Stanford SE
PO Box 4524
Albuquerque, NM 87196

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