MISSION: Southwest Research and Information Center is a multi-cultural organization working to promote the health of people and communities, protect natural resources, ensure citizen participation, and secure environmental and social justice now and for future generations

How RPS Works

The Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS), adopted in six states, is a market-based policy for increasing the amount of renewable energy in the overall electric resource portfolio.

The RPS:

  • Requires all generators (or retail suppliers) to demonstrate, through ownership of tradable "renewable energy credits," that they have supported the generation of a certain amount of renewable power;
  • Works with retail competition or under traditional regulation;
  • Is competitively neutral because it applies equally to all competing market participants; and,
  • Complements a system benefits charge to support energy efficiency, low-income, R&D and commercialization.

Advantages of the RPS as Compared to Other Renewables Promotion Policies:

  • Relies on the marketplace rather than government agencies to distribute funds.
  • Renewable energy sellers face constant competition from new projects and technologies vs. a rigid, one-time competition for funds.
  • Ensures that the intended renewable energy development results will be achieved.

The Government's Role is Limited Under an RPS to:

  • Certifying the generation output of renewable energy producers and issuing the appropriate number of renewable energy cred its;
  • Verifying that power suppliers possess the required number of credits at the end of each year; and,
  • Enforcing compliance as has been done with the EPA's tradable emissions permit program for clean air.

Source: American Wind Energy Association

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Southwest Research and Information Center
105 Stanford SE
PO Box 4524
Albuquerque, NM 87196

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