MISSION: Southwest Research and Information Center is a multi-cultural organization working to promote the health of people and communities, protect natural resources, ensure citizen participation, and secure environmental and social justice now and for future generations


American Oceans Campaign launches new publication

Fish Briefs is a "plain language" summary of the latest scientific papers about fish with a focus on their interactions with habitat. It will be distributed every two months by American Oceans Campaign, a national environmental organization dedicated to safeguarding the vitality of the oceans and coastal waters and "committed to scientific information in advocating for sound public policy."

Fish Briefs translates technical research papers for an audience of fishermen, fishery managers, scientists, conservationists, government officials, and others. It is peer-reviewed by a volunteer scientific panel to ensure that the scientific results are not lost in the translation.

The scope of the scientific papers evaluated will focus primarily on New England and the Mid-Atlantic, but if Fish Briefs is successful, it will expand the scope of the articles. For more information or to subscribe, contact American Oceans at 202/544-3526; e-mail: aoccb@wizard.net; or www.americanoceans.org.

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